Press releases

International Nurses Day

May 13th, 2019|0 Comments

This Sunday on May 12th was held the International Nurses Day. Nurses in Europe and abroad represent a big family united around common values such as compassion, patience and respect of others.Our friends and colleagues [...]

Joint Meeting of the Chief Medical, Chief Nursing and Chief Dental Officers Bucharest, 21st-22nd of March 2019 #Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU

April 4th, 2019|0 Comments

Session Brief (Parallel Session 1) CMO CNO CDODownload Session Brief (Parallel Session 2) - CMO CNO CDO Meeting 21 March 2019Download Session Brief (Joint Session 3) CMO CNO CDODownload Conference Background PaperDownload PolicyBrief_PB32_FINAL_WEBDownload

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