Latest news
Dr. Hans Kluge is the nominee for WHO Regional Director for Europe
On the 17th of September, Dr. Hans Kluge was nominated as the new WHO Regional Director for Europe at the annual meeting of the WHO European Region’s governing body, taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr [...]
Second ENC General Assembly meeting 2019
The next ENC General Assembly meeting will be held the 2nd of this coming month of December in the beautiful city of Budapest. This important meeting will enable us to set up ENC's main priorities [...]
International Nurses Day
This Sunday on May 12th was held the International Nurses Day. Nurses in Europe and abroad represent a big family united around common values such as compassion, patience and respect of others.Our friends and colleagues [...]
Press release regarding the Joint meeting of CMO, CNO and CDO 21st- 22nd of March 2019
Joint Meeting of the Chief Medical, Chief Nursing and Chief Dental Officers Bucharest, 21st-22nd of March 2019 #Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU
Session Brief (Parallel Session 1) CMO CNO CDODownload Session Brief (Parallel Session 2) - CMO CNO CDO Meeting 21 March 2019Download Session Brief (Joint Session 3) CMO CNO CDODownload Conference Background PaperDownload PolicyBrief_PB32_FINAL_WEBDownload
ENC and Daisy Foundation Partnership
ENC is pleased to announce its new partnership with the Daisy Foundation.President Timofte made it official after a rich week with the holding of the Joint Meeting of the Chief Medical, Chief Nursing and Chief [...]
Breakfast meeting SME Intergroup with MEPs organized by CEPLIS.
CEPLIS is organising a breakfast meeting with MEPs in the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday, 30 January 2019. The breakfast discussion will be centred the theme: “EU legislation on Services and [...]
News From Brussels October
Dear Friends, This issue of our Newsletter includes, among other topics, an article regarding the phenomenon [...]
News From Brussels August
Dear Friends, Here is another issue of our "News from Brussels". It seems that Nurses are [...]
News From Brussels Extra
Dear Friends, I hope that you will find some time during these very warm days to [...]